Among the new OAuth 2.0 features that were introduced in Winter ’12, one that is documented, but easy to overlook is revoke. This new endpoint allows you to revoke either an access token (the short-lived session token issued by OAuth) or a refresh token (the long-lived persistent token), and is super easy to use. Revoking an access token is analogous to simply logging out, but revoking a refresh token terminates an app’s authorization to call APIs on behalf of the user and revokes all outstanding access tokens issued against that refresh token. Powerful stuff!

There are three variants:


POST token=tokenvalue in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format to – the HTTP request looks like this:

You’ll receive a 200 status code if it worked out, with 400 for an error, the error detail (unsupported_token_type or invalid_token) in the body of the response.


Ideal for use from JavaScript in the browser, the JSONP variant returns a response as a callback that will be executed in the browser. Your page should contain a script statement such as

The browser will retrieve and execute the script content from the supplied URL, invoking your callback with the result of the revocation – an empty object, {}, for success or an error code, e.g. {"error":"invalid_token"}, for failure.


To revoke a token via a ‘blind GET’, just GET the revoke endpoint with the token as a query param:

As in the POST case, 200 indicate success, 400 failure.

In all cases, for Sandbox orgs, use instead of Also, note that, currently, only tokens issued by OAuth can be revoked in this way; an attempt to revoke a session ID issued by SOAP login() or as a sid cookie will fail. A future release will allow all tokens to be revoked via the OAuth 2.0 endpoint, regardless of their issuing mechanism.

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